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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

What is a descriptive text?

do you have difficulties to learn descriptive text?
Now, let’s study it together…
Firstly, do you know what is a descriptive text? Descriptive text is a text that tells what a person or thing alike.
the general purpose of this text is to describe the characterization of a person, a thing or a place.
text structure :
1. Identification = identifies phenomenon to be described ( usually in the first paragraph )
2. description = describes parts, qualities, characteristics.
Language features :
1. focus on specific participants.
2. use of simple present tense
3. frequent use of Epithets (describing words)

3 komentar:

  1. reviewer: eviana yuni afra
    blog owner: evita ardy prabasiwi
    - your blog is eye-catching
    - the content is understandable

    - you need to attach your complete profile

  2. thanks #butidon'tneedyourcommentanyway

  3. reviewer: aloysius setyo W
    blog owner: evita ardy prabasiwi
    - good appearance
    - understandable

    - your font color in the right side

    suggest : use bigger fonts
